Monday, May 21, 2007

Why Jimmy, Why?

"How they REALLY get down" has been postponed for this: Former President Jimmy Carter has called the Bush administration "the worst ever" and referred to outgoing British Prime Minister Tony Blair as "a blind servant". Jimmy, you had your run as Commander in Chief, and the facts will always show that the Iran hostage situation went on far too long because of your unwillingness to act. Hell, Ross Perot wanted to jump in and personally fund a rescue mission while YOU wanted to negotiate. The truth is that within MINUTES, not days, months or weeks, of Ronald Reagan taking office, the hostages were released. Just by swearing in, Reagan was more effective in minutes than you were in months of trying to negotiate with the Iranians. This is the same Jimmy Carter who criticized Reagan's cold war tactics in the 1980's. You remember, when we stopped trying to negotiate with our enemies and chose to bargain from a position of strength, through an expansive military buildup. Jimmy, you're a nice guy, and I respect all Presidents, but this is the kind of garbage that is eroding our great society. If you would have done it differently, then say JUST that, and leave it at that. George Bush is our commander of the armed forces now, and he was elected by the people. You running your mouth about him and Tony Blair is flat out anti-American. Free speech is cool, but Jesus, Mary and Joseph, use some decorum, holmes, please.


Anonymous said...

every time JC opens his piehole, I remember the hell that his presidency was. gas lines, unemployment, 13% inflation, 21% interest, hostages. and while he was being the worst president of all time, he blamed it on the American people.

Really WPOAT, you're not in a position to judge.

El Padrino said...

i feel sad for him

Anonymous said...

Ah yes, mindless Jimmy Carter bashing. Hey dumbasses, he did get us out of that Panaman Canal boondoggle.

Crassius Maximus said...

Mindless? If you mean backed up by facts,then,yeah. Who could ever forget the Panaman canal. Get it right anonymous # 2 before you call someone a dumbass you motherfucker. It's half hearted pussies like you that need to move to France so they can fag out. The Panama Canal? No one gives a shit you litte bitch ass bitch.

Mama en Fuego said...

I watched his interview on the Today show this morning and I don't know what the problem was but dude seemed a little lost and confused. He also claimed his statement was taken out of context and that he was responding to a question posed about the difference in International Diplomacy between Bush and Nixon's administrations. He went on to say that he was not critizing Bush but his administration. I call shenanigans on that one. Plus that doesn't explain his statements about Tony Blair.

And Anonymous (#2), you're entitled an opinion and all but grown some fucking balls and put your name to your statement. If you feel so strongly about it, stand by what you write.

X said...

"Carter has been an outspoken critic of Bush, but the White House has largely refrained from attacking him in return. Sunday's sharp response marks a departure from the deference that sitting presidents traditionally have shown their predecessors."

That's from Reuters, the "newsservice" famous for "one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter" and it is typically ass-backward. Traditionally ex-presidents never criticised those that followed, until Jimmy Carter, who started in on Reagan almost immediately and has been doing it to the Republicans ever since.

Homer Simpson had Jimmy Carter pegged: History's Greatest Monster

Anonymous said...

Yeah, well whatever.....JC and Paul suck.

Anonymous said...

I'm just sayin'....

Crassius Maximus said...

Ok, whoever JC and Paul are, anonyfag.