Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Spuds McKenzie, Joe Camel and now: Mustafa Mouse

It's a longtime tradition to try to influence kids to start drinking beer with a cute lil' dog, or to start smoking with a super debonair upright walking camel. After all, they are the future boiler having, heater wielding members of society, so let's get 'em started as early as possible. That dang ol' Hamas has taken it to a new level with the introduction of Farfour, a Mickey Mouse style character with a really cute twist: Dude hates Jews and Americans, and gives helpful tips on AK-47 operation. Broadcast on Hamas run Al-Aqsa TV, it's kind of a fun way to prepare kids for Jihad over in the extremely wacky Gaza Strip. Oh, Hamas, you guys are such a hoot.


El Padrino said...


and we are wrong for fighting this war


Anonymous said...

Shiuuttt...and when we wuz kids all we had wuz Anntte Funicello...

Mama en Fuego said...

Wow, it never ceases to amaze me what lengths this group will go to destroy "the enemy." As a mother I cannot fathom sending my child into war with a suicide bomb strapped to his back regardless of the circumstances.

Disgusting...truely, horribly, disgusting.

X said...

While we have to prevent the damage these clowns can do to the civilzed world, we'll never have to worry about them overtaking us. They oppress the female half their population with ignorance, and then have that same uneducated half raise their precious boychildren on crap like this. The gameplan is stunningly ignorant. Someday the world won't need oil or drycleaning and these fuckers will be totally useless.

Los said...

This might be an obstacle in world peace ....


Adolf Hitler