Monday, May 14, 2007

B Obama: Why color is a factor

OK,ok, I've been accused of being a right winger before, (so much in fact it has cost me at least one reader, but it's cool I don't go to his spot anymore anyway) but in this case I am evaluating Mr. Obama on his own merits, not against anyone else in particular. Now this may come as a shock to Obama supporters (I have many teammates on The Dallas Xpress who support him), but color is a factor with Senator Obama. That color is green. Not money green mind you, as BO has many wealthy backers, so he's ok there. Green as in dude is just woefully inexperienced. It shows in his debate responses and in his service record. Mr. Obama does have potential and certainly has the right to run, I just think he needs seasoning. The American people will too, as they (we ) don't want to give the keys to the car to a one term Senator in these very "unique" times. To that one reader I lost: If you happen to be reading, I'm sorry my views ran you off, but you need to be more tough skinned that that. Or even better, talk me out my views, if yours are so much better.


Los said...

I think Obama has some potential ... certainly compared to the guy that the dems put up last time ... John Kerry was a knucklehead. The dems had a chance to unseat Bush, but the candidate pool was awful.

Crassius Maximus said...

I agree, L. That's probably why Obama is running this time, as the pool ain't that great now either.

Anonymous said...

"To that one reader I lost: If you happen to be reading, I'm sorry my views ran you off, but you need to be more tough skinned that that. Or even better, talk me out my views, if yours are so much better."

Are you referring to Charred at

El Padrino said...

crass they are desperate, they need a star in the party and while experience is surely lacked, he is considered a rising star

X said...

President Fred Dalton Thompson. Get used to it. And his wife has huge cans.