Thursday, May 24, 2007

Positioning statement

My road dawg Comrade X has joined the fray and we're glad to have him at the deuce. His posts will be interesting no doubt. However, before we get labeled as a "hate blog", we'd just like to say that we harbor no ill will towards homosexuals, and all of our "fag" and "homo" blasts are not intended to be gay bashing. As X said in his post, there's nothing wrong with being gay. We'd also like to say that we encourage the lifestyle of the very lovely Deb, who just happens to be gay. We love all humans (except those that suck) and hope that this positioning statement echoes that sentiment.


Mama en Fuego said...

You should like totally run for office and stuff cuz you just said a bunch of shit with out saying anything at all

El Padrino said...


Crassius Maximus said...

We're admitting to the indescretion and attempting to pre-emptively quell any subsequent firestorm.

Sincerely, Jammy 2 Prime Minister