Tuesday, May 15, 2007

How they REALLY get down

This week: Nationwide Insurance

The insurance business is awesome. They love you when you are paying, but call you a liar when you file a claim. Now obviously, I'm not singling out the boys at Nationwide Ins. for this policy, as it is industry wide. You've heard and seen the ads: "Nationwide is on your side ", a cute jingle supported by an interesting ad campaign, designed to shroud the stench of their lies. Nationwide's angle is the statistically unlikely accident, i.e. the person driving into a pool while celebrating winning the lottery, or the auto repair shop allowing your vehicle to catch on fire, followed up by the inference that you are covered. In the lottery winner turned u-boat commander ad, the insured calls the agent while sitting in the pool and asks: "Am I covered ?" to which the agent responds: "Yes, about five feet ", a wisecrack of Lenny Briscoe proportions which always causes uproarious laughter. Notice the agent never really says the insured is insured. So Nationwide's deal is highlighting the rarest of accidents and only inferring coverage....."Nationwide is on your siiiide" The odds of these type of accidents actually happening are infinitesimal, only surpassed by the odds of Nationwide actually paying the claim. Hey Nationwide: Stop lying about covering accidents that will never happen in order to get people to pay for coverage on accidents that do, so you can then find a way deny the claim.


Crassius Maximus said...

I agree, anonymous, I agree.

El Padrino said...

i cant stand ins companies
i almost refuse to buy it, all this money, every month, and for what, just in case .....