Thursday, August 7, 2008

Whip Underinflation Now

The debate over whether to drill for more oil or air up your tires intensifies.

As Alan Greenspan said about the original Whip Inflation Now campaign back in 1974: "This is unbelievably stupid".


Crassius Maximus said...

Take away the assault convictions, the coke, weed, and lsd use, along with raising my college GPA to 2.0 up from 1.2, and I'd win the presidency in 2008! I cain't bereeve how stupid these politicians are. Xpecially BHO. He should have this thing in the fucking bag, yet he's blowing it at every turn. These move, and sierra club bastards have BHO by the balls. It's obvious.

Los said...

At this point, I think we need off-shore drilling for a short-term solution, but there needs to be a greater emphasis on a long-term solution as well ... we've focused far too long on short-term solutions ... the oil issue of the 1970's should've taught us that.