Friday, June 29, 2007

CM answers mama en fuego's 20 questions

These are the answers, for the questions, go to

1. Keep and reuse. I'm from the hood, that's how we get down.
2. Jitman, with the ability to shoot goo on command anyplace, anytime
3. I've never heard of the rule
4. Yes, but I don't usually floss.
5. Los Angeles, California
6. I'd have to meet Jesus Christ. No Doubt.
7. Yes, I picture it as one continuous money shot.
8. Yes, I picture it as a football game against Al Qeada where I lose 58-0, everyday.
9. No
10. I say: "Nice job"
11. No
12. I segregate
13. A beautiful girl from Indiana named Alyce
14. I hold it. Only chicks can't hold it.
15. I whip out MY crank and scream: "Scoreboard!!!"
16. On Ungaro suits, Gucci loafers and Bill Blass ties
17. Successful
18. Not really
19. I put a rainbow sticker on a friend's car bumper, and the dude wasn't gay. Best gag ever.
20. Investigate and get involved if I have to. When used as a projectile, my 6-1, 217 pound carcass can be a deadly weapon.

Great set of questions M E F.


Mama en Fuego said...

5 Second rule - if food falls on the ground if you pick it up with in 5 seconds you can still eat it. I originally had 2 seconds, my bad. But that's what I was referring to.

#7. Does your wife know about this? LOL.

#14. I don't know how anyone can hold it when you're prarie doggin'

#16. You stylish bastard, who knew??

#19. That's classic. I'm going to have to think of someone I can do that to...

#20. I wouldn't fuck wicha.

Crassius Maximus said...

On the 2 second rule, it depends how hungry I am.

Crassius Maximus said...

14. Prarie doggin'? H O L Y Crap!!!!

Los said...

On the 5-second rule ... depends on (A) if it's mine, and (B) how drunk I am.

Mama en Fuego said...

Come now Crass, don't tell me you've never prarie dogged....

Los - LOL how drunk must you be and what would make you stoop so low? {inquiring minds want to know}

Crassius Maximus said...

Of course I have, M E F.