Monday, March 26, 2007

"We're getting the band back together 2"

Today is the 10 year anniversary of ol' Marshall Applewhite and those "Heaven's Gate" morons. You remember the scene: Those cats in the purple moo moos wif de black Nike sneakers, lying dead in their beds, after ingesting a vodka and poison cocktail, waiting for the Hale Bopp comet to scoop them up and take them to paradise. Two things immediately bring this plan into question: First, that comet is looking for something to slam into, not paradise; Second, why would any self respecting comet pick up a bunch of purple clad hitchhikers led by a cotton topped pedophile? Some plans need to be orchestrated a lil' bit better.


Mama en Fuego said...

Let's face it, homey did the world a favor by eliminating an entire group of colossally stupid people. BRAVO!

Anonymous said...

Personally, I think those people were on to sumpthin'....

Rev. Jim Jones

Los said...

Do you realize that it's been 10 years since the first Austin Powers movie?

Mike Myers

Deb said...

10 years los? Now they're considered "classic movies", just as Green Day is considered classic rock and roll now. Hmm.

The Rev said...

Second, why would any self respecting comet pick up a bunch of purple clad hitchhikers led by a cotton topped pedophile?

Smae reason why some guys would pick up a transvestite hitchhiker and give him/her/it a ride home.

Eddie Murphy