Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Obvious TV Programming tips for dumbass execs

1. Any outlet carrying NBA games - Stop putting the fucking Miami Heat in nationally televised games. They suck, it's over, deal with it.
2. WWE - For the love of God, make John Cena a heel already. Have him attack Triple H, and get one last run for "The King of Kings" up and going.
3. Law and Order - Bring back Fred Thompson and Dennis Farina. The new assistant DA blows and no offense Jeremy Sisto, but you're one pathetic loser.
4. The NFL Network - More Deion Sanders interviews with him using the "cool ass m'fucker" voice he used when he asked T.O. Owens the infamous question about his playing status for the playoffs: "At what level?"...Oh, and no offense Rich Eisen, but you're one pathetic loser. Stop trying to be funny.
5. Reality TV - Die, with the cause of death being death. I know the writer's strike necessitates the use of writer free TV, but these reality TV a-wholes blow. I saw an ad for Big Brother 9 the other day, which means there had to be 8 other Big Brother predecessors. I was flabbergasted. Y'all strung 8 of these things together before this one? Good Lord, these shows make me want to use a gun barrel as a tooth pick.


Anonymous said...

I still say "Big Brother", regardless of its content, is a show you need to tryout for if you get the chance...

El Padrino said...

MTV has solid reality shows, all other pale in comparasion

Los said...

Triple H has a few runs left in him ... he's still at the top of his game, is great on the microphone ... plus, look at Flair - he's still going, somehow.

Personally, they need to stop pushing some of the guys like Umaga, and Carlito ... these guys don't have it. Mr. Kennedy should get a huge push, in my opinion.

Oh, and I HATE reality TV ... except Top Chef.

The Rev said...

Don't they boo John Cena as a face to some extent anyway?

Crassius Maximus said...

Exactly, Smoke.