Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Bin Laden is dead

The release of Bin Laden's latest audio tape was done after the assassination of Benazir Bhutto, which AlQeada claimed responsibility for. Yet OBL's "latest message" was about Iraq. Not only that, Bhutto said in an interview on November 2nd that Omar Shiekh, one of the masterminds of the 911 attacks, had killed Bin Laden. Why didn't OBL mention that Al Qeada had her (Bhutto) killed? Because the tape is old, and that bastard is fucking dead. That's good enough for me. I don't walk on people's graves, but in this case I'll plant my size 13ers all over OBL's. Keep coming up with "new" tapes you Al Qeada faggots, and my main man Petraeus and the Big Red One will continue routing you in Iraq. Proud American Maximus out.


Anonymous said...

OBL been dead fer years, I'm sayin'.

"OBL"...callin' him that is kinda endearing, ainnit?..yaknow...kinda like callin' Michael Jordan "MJ"

Los said...

I'd still like some proof, like his head on a platter or something .... I'm just sayin'.

Crassius Maximus said...

Those Al Qeada bastards are stubbornly tring to keep his memory alive.

Rebecca said...

Is that pronounced "ooble" or "OHble" oh fuck it, just we'll just call him dead.

Anonymous said...

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