Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Barry Obamer

Much has been made about Barak Obama (or Barry Obamer as Ted Kennedy calls him) and his association with JWright, a controversial, firebrand of a pastor at BHO's church. Now, obviously, African Americans and Anglo Americans have differing views on America and its greatness, and rightfully so. JWright had some pretty damning comments about America in a recent sermon. BHO has distanced from some of JWright's comments, but not the man himself. Sticking with your friends is a good thing, however, here's the rub, Barry: Regardless of the media's wishes, you're going to need the white guy vote to win this thing. One thing white guy voter doesn't dig is anti-American sentiment, regardless of the back story (slavery, racial injustice, etc.). As stated here in 2007 (Why color is a factor) BHO's greenness, not his blackness would probably be the "color" that would keep him out of the White House, and that lack of experience is showing in his refusal to distance completely from ol' JWright.


Los said...

This is NOT good for Obama ... he's had a lot of people questioning things he and his wife said in the past about disdain for the country - he said those quotes were taken out of context, and the country believed him ... I have a feeling they won't be so quick to take his side on this one.

El Padrino said...

where there is smoke there is fire, that's all im sayin

Anonymous said...

G Bush had more "experience" in the political arena than O ever thought about...Obviously, experience is over-rated...

"Burned-out on politics",

The Stevo

(ALL these fuckers scare me)

Anonymous said...

I work from home too..

Ashley Dupre