This is just too funny. Venezuelan Dictator.......errrrr, President Hugo Chavez has been stockpiling weapons (Russian issue hardware) in preparations for a "war" with the United States. Chavez thinks that the U.S. is interested in the country's oil reserves. I heard some where (in some bar owned by some ol' Air Force burnout, I think) that Chavo once inquired as to the feasibility of Venezuela invading the southern U.S. His own military advisers thought that the idea was laughable. As much as war sucks, the thought of lining up N.Korea, Venezuela and Iran, kind of jazzes me a lil'. Since Bin Laden won't come out and fight like a man (he's probably dead anyway) maybe KJI, Chavo and Ahmedgenocide will.
i'm pumped
The warmongering deuce.
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