The Jammy2 is not the only duece I've dropped on y'all
The young cat with the smirk on his face is my 18 year old son Lorenzo after his graduation. My apologies for the crappy photo, but the boys over at CVS had some developing issues. That photo should make me proud, and it does, but it also reminds me how bloated I've become.
Yuh done good my mannn...
Thanks, dawg.
Irish, Italian and Puerto Rican, 3 strikes and you're out!
It was fun makin' him...
Sincerely, Crankius Engorgimous
must be sweet
Damn fine lookin boy ya got there and yer not lookin too shabby yourself Crass. I would have never guessed you had an 18 year old.
Thanks MEF! I was 19 when he was born.
"Con-graduations" Crass! It's much easier to put on the damn weight the older you get, unfortunately.
Easy and fun.
Wow, you two totally look alike! Congratulations to your son! You definitely should be proud!!!!
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