The Good:
Lucas Black (Mike Winchell) - Friday Night Lights - Odessa used its QB more for running and leadership, but when Black had to throw, he was good
Peter Dante (Gee Grenouille) - The Waterboy - The dude seems like a decent athlete and his mechanics were solid
Adam Sandler (Paul Crewe) - The Longest Yard - He brought in former USC QB Sean Salisbury to help and it showed. Not great velocity, but his mechanics were good, and he threw spirals
Kip Pardue (Ronnie Bass) - Remember The Titans - Again, TC Williams didn't throw much, but Pardue had the goods. Best release of the Hollywood types
Leon (Shadow) - All The Right Moves - This dude looks like he could actually play. If you saw him shoot jumpers in Flamingo Kid, you know what kind of athlete he is. The best overall of the bunch, hands down
Now the bad:
Jerry O'Connell (Frank Cushman) - Jerry Maguire - Brutal. Absolutely awful. Horrible release, looks like it hurt to throw the football
Chris Wiehl (Derek McConnell) - Playmakers - Putrid, the worst of the bunch. I don't know how he even got the ball airborne with that release. No arm strength at all
Keanu Reeves (Shane Falco) - The Replacements - Po-Thetic. This guy was so bad that they rarely showed his entire set up and delivery on camera. The Jeff George of Hollywood QBs
Now, O'Connell and company would tell you that ol' CM ain't much of an actor (I had non speaking parts in a commercial and music video), but that ain't what we're talkin' about here, damnit!
you mentioned remember the titans and i know he got hurt but what about Rev?
and what about Jamie Foxx / Dennis Quaid? (Any Given Sunday?)
Rev didn't throw a pass the whole movie; Foxx played QB at Terrell (Tx.) High, so he should be good, as did Quaid in Houston. It's kind of a rating system for non-QB actors playing QB in the movie/TV show. I didn't rate BReynolds (the first longest yard and semi tough) cuz he played at FSU.
i sit corrected.
rev ran a mean fake 23 blast though
Rev. is the kind of moral cat you need to play the QB position, not some pot smoking, skirt chasing, druken Irish thug.
Sincerly, CMaximus and Steve Smoker
How 'bout Mac Davis as D Merideth in North Dallas Forty?
See, I never would have noticed that stuff, but then again, I'm not a football player although I have tackled a few guys in my time but that's different post all together.
I prefer to remember Mac For "Lay Lady Lay".
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