This just in: The Port City Jags have won the 2007 TUFL Championship with a 40-37 victory over the Texas Colts this past weekend. The team pictured to the left is my team, the 2007 Dallas Xpress, who went a robust 5-5 in '07. Victims of a dreaded "coin toss tie breaker" DX football just missed out on the ass end of the playoffs. 5-5 is great for an expansion team, but it's not how I envisioned going out. You can go to
www.htosports.com/dallasxpress and click on the roster page to check out my season stats (page 2 of the roster field, click on #4 QB) and very short bio, which, by the way, magically adds an inch in height and 15 lbs in weight to me. I only played a handful of plays and threw even fewer passes, but I had no picks and a good completion %. It's probably the last team I'll ever suit up for, but what a great group of guys. I wish those boys luck in 2008, as the '07 bunch will be better after a year of playing together.
Editors note: We lost our season opener to the champs, and quite frankly I didn't think they had it (the championship) in them. Congrats, Jags, you deserve it.
Oddly enough, those numbers project a QB rating of 158.3, the highest you can get in the NFL rating system, which rewards comp% and yards per attempt.
Too bad they were in a game that had already been decided.
We all really care!!!
Sincerely, no one but CM, Bryson Clark and Chris Choice (the 2 recivers I hit in stride with laser beams)
We care!!!
Sincerely, The Desoto Spartans
go out on top crass, 2/3 isnt perfect but it's damn near close
Crass - the Phils can use some bullpen help ... sounds like you'd do better than ok for them.
Thanks El P and los. And BClark and CChoice and Desoto as well.
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