Mulletted reality TV douche Duane "Dog" Chapman, famous for imploring whacked out Hawaiian bail jumpers to "get off the ice, bra", is in a bit of a jam for dropping repeated n-bombs on his son's girlfriend. DChapman showed up on Larry King last night, saying that he thought he could use the n-word freely, cus "he was down with the brothers". In hindsight, he says, not a good move. I gotta tell you, I played on football teams that were 90% African American for years and erastus and myself used to routinely go into the hood and be the only white guys on the basketball court, but I never got the idea that dropping the n-word was cool. DuaneC did seem remorseful, but I don't think it's enough. I'd like to suggest that Stone Cold Steve Austin show up in Hawaii and stun (a move where he kicks the victim in the balls, then neck drops him when he bends down) Dog repeatedly. This is a fate erastus has been openly hoping for for years. Not only is the time right, but this will give closure, wildly entertaining closure, to this ugly incident.
Heresdadeal....There ain't NO time the "n" word iz "cool"...That's why I find it so ridiculous when rappers use it, but yet...they THINK they're "cool"...The only thing it duz iz put a negative stigma on the rap genre...
(I seriously don't see how anybody can say that word without feeling immediately remorseful after doin' it..it's THAT offensive)...
The only way that word MIGHT apply..iz to the people that use it..
A stunner will cleanse Dog's soul.
oh hell yeah!!!
agree wholeheartedly
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