You may have already seen this (I couldn't find it on You Tube), but my lick of the week goes to Jacksonville Jaguars' running back Maurice Jones Drew, for his absolute cracking of Chargers' linebacker Shawne Merriman. What's interesting to note here, is that Jones-Drew is about 5-7 and 210 lbs, while Merriman is 6-4 and 272 lbs. Also of note, is that Mr. Merriman was suspended for steroid use last year, so he is now subject to intense scrutiny and weekly drug tests. I remember playing against at least 3 dudes on steroids (one I had to block and two I pass rushed against) and when they were on the juice, they delivered some teeth rattling shots, but the next time I went against them, they were big ol' softies. Like two different players once they cycled off of the juice. I truly believe I could add 2 more years to my semi pro career if I took my ex-teammate up on his offer of nandrolone and human growth hormone, but I'm too much of a scaredy cat to put that stuff into my body. It is tempting though, as my traps and lats seem to be shrinking the closer I get to 40. I'll stick to pot, booze and memories...for now.
awesome, i need to see it again
Found it, OWNED!
I'm wondering if the NFL should even give a playoff spot to the AFC West at this point ...
El P - He flat knocked him on his ass
Los - The NFC South ain't that great either
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