195 pound Barry Bonds was the best outfielder in the game in the early 1990's. Probably the best all around player too. The 235 lb present incarnation of Barry is a
cartoonish train wreck. His body and his DOME are bigger. His average and power spiked AFTER the age of 35. After never hitting 50 homers, he hit 70 plus bombs in a year. With a career average around .300, he then hit .373 one season, also past the age of 35. Supposedly, he was jealous of the press that Sammy Sosa and Mark
McGwire got for
their home chase of 1998, and he decided to start juicing. It's a shame because he would have been a hall of
famer without the '
roids OR the home run record. Because he is an a-hole he basically was jobbed out of about 5 MVP awards (voted on by the media), and he subsequently became a
bitterman. It's too bad, because when he was with the Pirates, he was a 5 tool cat and along with Ken
Griffey Jr., he was regarded as the best in the biz. It just wasn't enough, tho'. Barry Bonds: A natural born jackass.
Yeah...Fuck im...
damn shame
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