Man, when this cat was at VTech, I thought: This dude is better than OU's Jamelle Holloway, who was, at the time, the best option QB I'd ever seen. His speed is unheard of and if he was a safety, he'd probably be the best ever. He could probably play RB or WR and be good at it. As a human, he comes up a lil' short. The word is Mike Vick will cop a plea and do some jail time for his involvement in a dog fighting ring. I'm not a dog-lover per se, but dogfighting is brutal and just plain wrong. The execution of weaker dogs is flat out evil. I don't domesticate animals but, I realize that they are God's creatures and centainly derive no pleasure from their suffering. Mike, you are a helluva player, but what you did was not cool. Enjoy your time in the hoosegow, holmes, you deserve it.
130 million and this cat risks it on dumbshit like this...Fuck 'im..I got no pity ferda sorry mutherfu ker...
We always got Vinnie...Hook 'em...
just sad
and dumb
face of the nfl to the face of cell block 9
see ya mike vick
you were a hell of an athlete
The bigger question is what happens after he is through with his jail time? Does an NFL team take a chance on this PR nightmare?
The Raiders.
Hell, Los-man...there's ALWAYS the RAIDERS'S...
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