That's right, y'all, this marks the one year anniversary of our cyber cage fight with the bitch ass bitches at I talk2gotdamnmutherfuckin'much.com. Really doe, my beef wasn't wif the blue flamin' hookers on that site, just one lil' ho ass m'fucker who calls himself "Charred". This site basically rates blogs so The Steve-O in H-Town submitted The Jammy, and of course our love of sports got us lambasted by these whores. The Steve-O then fired a few zingers back at them, prompting this charred (he's some dude with a shaved head and a goatee who probably used to get his milk money taken from him on a daily basis) character to tell him to "go back where you came from, before you get hurt". That led to the posting of this picture (of me at my biggest, 232 lbs in June of 2006) and the subsequent request for charred to hurt ME if he wanted to get down like that. The "cyber-war" lasted about a week and made for some good readin', as well as accusations of rampant steroid abuse on my part (which I take as one hell of a compliment, 'cuz I was naturally built through hard work and diet). Shit has changed over the past year, as I can't post on the Jammy (the original, which I started with 100mph and The Steve-O in 2005) anymore (thanks to Blogger) and have to get down over here on the Deuce with Comrade X. I certainly ain't that swoll (muscular) any more ( I'm down to 217, and can't bench 300 lbs anymore), and I don't really harbor any ill will towards those douches over at that spot. I will , however, leave it at this: In a spat between The Jammy Jackasses and the italk2much.com douche bags, always go with the Jackass, as HE possesses the bigger crank.....Swoll Crassius out.