Ahh, yes, the titleless post. Thanks blogger! Pictured to the left is an artist's rendering of our boy Comrade X, who unwittingly drew the boys from
http://www.addiction.com/ over to his gas baggy, long winded WC Brann, Iconoclast post. The post spoke about the ills of prohibition, stating that the food of that time period (the late 1890's) was probably just as harmful as the alcohol the prohibitionists were railing against, yet there was no outcry for nutrition regulation. It was a great post, which drew a comment from a reader by the name of alcoholism, suggesting that we check the afore mentioned website specifically for those with alcohol and drug addictions. HEY, ALCOHOLISM: We're drunkards, not alcoholics. Alcoholics go to meetings.....Thank you, and......Good day!
If I had my way, everyone would be prohibited everything unless they had my express permission in an email from an account I would check sporadically. That way, people wouldn't make bad choices. The problem with me is that I care too much.
Hey, I'll drink to that!
Alcoholism, it's like what all the hot people are doing these days.
Kiss my ass bitches,
Paris Hilton
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