I'm not a huge Jon Lovitz fan, and I think Andy Dick can be moderately funny, but the incident which took place last Wednesday at an LA comedy club puts them both front and center on the Deuce today. Apparently, in 1997 at a party at the late Phil Hartman's house, Andy broke out the snow and started rippin' rails and invited Hartman's wife to join in. One small problem: Mrs. Hartman had been cocaine free for 10 years, after having issues with drug. 5 months later, she killed Phil Hartman. Hartman, whose numerous appearances on
The Simpsons (as Troy McClure and Lionel Hutz) were absolute comic genius, was working on the show
Talk Radio (along with Andy Dick) at the time of his death. Hartman's close friend Jon Lovitz was called to replace Hartman, and apparently Dick wasn't pleased. After voicing his displeasure to Lovitz, Lovitz fired back: "I wouldn't be here if you hadn't given Phil's wife that coke ." A few years later, Dick spotted Lovitz and a friend having drinks and strolled over to their table and whispered to Lovitz: "I put the Hartman curse on you, you're next to die." The stunned Lovitz was about to punch Dick, but realized he was in a friend's restaurant and held back. Then, last week at an LA comedy club where Lovitz has a regular gig, Dick showed up and began acting like, well, a dick. Lovitz confronted Dick about what he said to which Dick responded: "I said it because you said I killed Phil Hartman". The enraged Lovitz then grabbed Dick and slammed his face into the bar 4 or 5 times, causing Dick to bleed profusely. "The rest of the comics were glad I did it, because Dick is an a-hole", Lovitz said. I happen to think that Phil Hartman seemed like a nice guy and he certainly didn't deserve to die, and Andy Dick shouldn't have made light of his death to Lovitz, Hartman's close friend. I don't really think Lovitz is that funny, but I like him a lot more after hearing this story.
Wow. What a d***! I can't believe how destructive Andy is- and was- and will be. I don't think this guy will ever change for the better. I used to think he was funny, until I heard so many horrible things that he has done. I mean, everyone has their downfalls, but this guy is spiteful and cruel.
Yeah, I figger it's hard to like a guy what gotta "camel-toe" ferra chin....
i wish i were lovitz in that instance
Deb - He also jumped on stage at the comedy club where MRichards got off his N-bombs, and called the crowd a buch of N-bombs.
S - He's really douchey
El P - Me too
KnicksHooker0917 - Ok
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