And then there's this: Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah, is openly aligning himself with Hamas and Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, while distancing from the U.S., as he ducked out of a White House dinner last week to be held in his honor. I'm tired of calling these guys our allies, when they really aren't. Most of the 19 hijackers in the Sept. 11th attacks were Saudi nationals, not to mention that OBL is one as well. The Arabs that come over here refuse to assimilate (it's my understanding that numerous Arabs working in the towers on Sept. 11th called in sick that day), while the ones over there support terrorist activities and seem to get a pass when their countrymen engage in these acts. While rank and file Americans are held accountable for every act of our government, theses Saudi nationals are brushed off as some sort of lunatic fringe, and the Saudi "government" continues to operate under our umbrella of protection. These people are full of glee when Americans die, and I'm sick of their crap. Our politics allow them to play politics in order to save face among their Arab bretheren with thier constant backstabbing. Enough is enough, already.
i got ur back
how bout this gem:
that day when i went to work, there is a newstand right on the corner of Water St. and Broadway. Arab dude. That day, for the first time ever, he was not there. I thought that was strange but realized after why.....
That pic is too much...You arent a very attractive man are you..?
James Tarnto explains in the Wall Street Journal:
"This is the thanks we get for stationing our troops on the Arabian Peninsula for a dozen years to defend the occupying Saud family from Saddam Hussein, and for remaining in Iraq, as, among other things, a check on Saudi Arabia's Shiite rival, Iran?
Well, yes, we suppose it is. Today's Saudi ingratitude is of a piece with Western European ingratitude during and after the Cold War. It's human nature, at least among those who are not mature enough to take responsibility for themselves, to resent those on whom one depends. Ask any parent of teenagers."
But punching Abdullah in the mouth works for me too.
I got ammo, cammo and bad PMS. Let's go waste those fuckers.
Thank you. You are all good Americans.
If I'm unattractive, that's horrible news for you, S, as you didn't look this good in your prime....In a Tuxedo....on your prom night...ever...ever
Not to metion , I'm challenging someone to a fight, so the idea is not to look cute, dunce.
Don't get me wrong...I'm not sayin' that yer not a nice person...
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