Myself, Erastus and X headed east to the motocross Mecca that is Caddo Mills Sunday, and here are few highlights: First, X happened upon a couple of four-wheelin' MILFS who had gotten stuck in the mud, and quickly offered to help. Using super human strength, we lifted the ass-end of one out of the mud, and X was able to drive it to dry ground. The other was in about 3 feet of water, so I jetted back to the trail, only to see X wading into the water after it. As I left, I thought "man, X is a good dude to try so hard to help". Of course X later told me that he thought maybe a quick prick suck from the MILFS was forthcoming, which explained his extended efforts. Later, back at base camp, X saw a dude in street clothes on a large dirt bike lose control in first gear, and I myself snickered a bit, only to learn later that the dude bit the dust attempting a jump on the track. Turns out he fractured both legs. Erastus actually saw the dude laid out and said he saw the bone had broken the skin at both ankles. Below average. They helicoptered the dude to a Dallas hospital, and what's interesting to note here, was the hotness of the blond copter pilot. Alas, no prick suck was in order when she showed up either. Let's go inside the numbers: Wrecks: Crass 1, Eras 1, the flamboyantly gay X , zero. Blow Jobs: Crass: 0, X :0, Erastus: 0. Compound fractures: The Deuce Crew: 0, Hawiian shirt guy: 2. A good time had by most.
and I'd have gotten that BJ if it hadn't been for that MILFs darned kids.
Meddling kids!!
I would've DEMANDED A prick-suck for helping, darn-it, or at least a little slap and tickle!
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