It's coming. The backlash to the global warming cult is coming. From where, you say? Fat bastards, those in the transportation business, those in the cable TV/Satellite business, carpet cleaners, appliance techs, people in California, Texas and places like Jacksonville, Fla. where a car is necessary to subsist. This $4 a gallon gas garbage is a test to see if people will go for 5 and 6 dollar a gallon gas in order to pay for (via taxes) all of the liberal programs that address the hoax that is global warming. If it's hot: blame global warming, if it's cool: (like it was in the summer of 2007) blame global warming, if there are hurricanes, it's because of global warming, even though noted
meteorologists have said that increased temps REDUCE the chance of hurricanes. CO2 emissions are the principle ingredient of "harmful greenhouse gases" so by that logic, all humans should reduce these emissions. In other words,stop breathing and DIE, because as we all know, the world would be a better place with out humans.