Woodson looked pretty average in last night's loss to the SC 'Cocks....He'll still make a mint in the NFL...The
Phillies were hot enough to catch the
Mets, but the luck of the draw put them in against the hottest team in the sports universe, The Colorado Rockies....The
Phils are down 0-2, but it still ain't over tho'....Indians' pitcher C.C.
Sabathia (a super TE prospect in high school at 6-7) can eat all the bacon he wants, when the tribe hits like they did last night...Me thinks the Yanks are in trouble....The Chinese are trying to poison the U.S. with their lead paint based imports, prompting massive recalls....Hey
ChiComs:most of us grew up on lead-based paint, chewing number 2 pencils in school all the while, so you need to be focusing on bowl production not only for rice consumption, but for use in do-it-yourself
moe haircuts....Harry "Dingy" Reid's (D-Nevada) resolution demanding an apology from Rush Limbaugh is a big waste of time, as, a)Limbaugh didn't say what was alleged, and b)Rush is kind of a blowhard anyway, so this just plays into his pub seeking hands...It's the weekend everybody, so if you happen to be at a party with an Oklahoma fan, get him/her so drunk that they pass out and then..Skim back yer dick and T-Bag 'em!....
Maximoos out
You can't win Mack!!!!!
i like the recap
it's like mango salsa
It's mango salsa-esque!
Or CM's quick hits
Or 100 mph's Jus Sayin'
everybody visit: T-BagMackBrown.com
The Deuce is anti Asian!!
here's how you do it:
if you like to make poison dogfood so you can eat the dead dogs....you might have a moe haircut.
Ah, the Phils had a good run ... but there is no substitute for a hot team with good pitching in the playoffs. Time to start rooting for the Tribe!
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