By now, many have heard of the Jenny Carlson (OK City journalist who covers the Oklahoma State Cowboys) article in which she basically called QB Bobby Reid (6-4, 225 lbs with 4.5 speed who in 2006 accounted for 3000 total yards and
30 touchdowns, and very highly regarded by me in my Big 12 preview), a soft, scared momma's boy. Miss Carlson referred to inside sources and also cited her watching Reid's mother hand feed him chicken, which I actually think is kind of cute, in a motherly way. She neglected to mention that Bobby's hands were full of luggage when this happened. She also took Reid's comments that he was
nervous before games (I've played in over 100 semi pro football games since I was 24, and I was nervous before
every one of them) and changed that to imply that he was scared. She then at the end of the story, went back to the image of Reid's mother feeding him the chicken. This article was brought to the attention of Head Coach Mike Gundy after Reid was benched for the Texas Tech game this past Saturday. Gundy was
pissed. In his post game press conference, Gundy lashed out at Carlson, calling her out for her cheap shots at Bobby Reid. I respect him for sticking up for Reid,(Hell,
I thought he was the best player on the whole OSU team, and now he has been
benched!) as coming hard after college athletes isn't cool in my book. However, hidden beneath Gundy's anger has to be the fact that a guy who throws for 2400 yards, 24 tds and only 11 ints to go along with 6 tds and 600 yards rushing as a sophomore, is now being benched as a junior. Season on the brink in Stillwater? More like season in the tank, and Gundy's realization of this manifested itself, at least partially in his tirade. I'd be pissed, too.
That Gundy press conference was classic. Do you think he could use that as a recruiting tool?
It can do nothing but help.
at least the players know he has there back
Players love that type o' shit.
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